Thursday, December 08, 2005

Rosary of Reparation

Rosary of Reparation for Priests


  1. THE ANNUNCIATION - For all priests who have lost a love of humility and who disobey Church teachingas taught by the Holy Father and Magisterium
  2. THE VISITATION- For all bishops and priests who fail to show the compassion of Christto all sheep given to their care

  3. THE NATIVITYFor all priests who no longer love God above all things

  4. THE PRESENTATION IN THE TEMPLEFor all priests who do not possess a spirit of sacrifice

  5. THE FINDING OF JESUS IN THE TEMPLEFor all priests who have lost zeal for the glory of God

    1. THE AGONY IN THE GARDEN For all priests who have abandoned Jesus, true God and true man, especially Jesus truly present in the Blessd Sacrament
    2. SCOURGING AT THE PILLARFor all priests who commit sins of the flesh
    3. CROWNING WITH THORNSFor all priests who promote false teachings, especially heresies concerning the Real Presence
    4. CARRYING OF THE CROSSFor all priests who are in the state of mortal sin, especially sins against the Eucharist
    5. THE CRUCIFIXIONFor all priests who are close to dying in the state of mortal sin

    1. THE RESURRECTIONFor all priests who have lost the faith
    2. THE ASCENSIONFor all priests who have lost hope
    3. THE DESCENT OF THE HOLY SPIRITFor all priests who no longer use the gifts of the Holy Spirit
    4. THE ASSUMPTIONFor all priests For all priests who are not preparing for a holy death
    5. THE CORONOATION OF MARY AS QUEEN OF HEAVENFor all priests who do not love Mary as their true Mother
    Adapted from a pamphlet prepared by Lay Daughters of Reparation. Pass it on. Pray for priests and bishops.


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